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EREBOS is a 2.5D platformer where the player incarn Athena that is put in the Erebus. 

This project was made in 1 month with a team of 7.


  • Type : Platformer

  • Theme : Greek Mythology

  • Camera : 2.5D 

  • Number of player : Solo 

My work

  • Level Design

  • Block Out


  • Differents ways to complete a situation

  • Space opening and insecurity feeling

My Process

Define intentions and metrics​

Sketch / Layout

Block Out




Different ways to complete a situation

  • Don't limit the player to only one situation

  • Add different layers of difficulty clearly readable by the player

  • Rewarding the player for choosing the difficult way


In this situation, the player has two paths the white (normal) or the green (difficult).

If the player uses the green path he has to be more accurate with the wall jump and the dash.

He is rewarded by the collectible


Here the player has two options again, but this time it's not about accuracy or skills but about game knowledge.

The character can fall off and makes is first jump without touching the ground. In this way, he can reach a longer distance with his jump. 

Space opening and insecurity feeling

  • According to the narratives and design intentions, begin with close spaces and progressively open spaces


  • To gives an insecurity feeling with open spaces, the idea was to makes the environment more « aggressive »  by reducing the safe space 


At the beginning of the game, we use close and safe space to makes the player feel in security and allows him to make some mistakes without consequences. 


During the midgame, the spaces are more open but stay close. We're adding difficulty and this insecurity feeling with obstacles

Erebos D.png

At the endgame, the space is fully open but the obstacles represent the major part of this space. It increases the difficulty and the insecurity feeling where each jump, dash, etc should be accurate.



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